
What an Outing!

So today, some very nice people (Shailaja, PM for the jdb switcher project) took Nathaniel and I out to lunch. Well, we thought it was just a quick lunch outing, ended up getting back 3 hours later. Turns out most Bangalore folk eat much later - not getting up till 9-10, lunch 1 or 2, and dinner as late as 9pm. Anyways, we took a rickshaw ride (wow) across town to a little hole-in-the-wall type establishment, in a sort of mall, but it was authentic Afghani food. No utensils. Lots of spice, but excellent food. I was stuffed. Then Shailaja took us a few blocks so I could buy a backpack for this weekend's trip - only 800 Rupees, which is like $16, for a very nice full-sized one. And then the rickshaw ride back. Again, wow. Driving here is like an artform, really, they honk constantly, but to let others know where they are, and all drive by pure reflex, all over the road, inches within hitting other vehicles, motorbikes swerving in between... It feels like utter insanity, and yet like a choreographed ballet of exhaust and steel. Just... wow.

So this weekend: We're getting picked up by company van around 7am, and driving out to see some historic and religious ruins. Staying overnight, then back Sunday early evening. And, since the top AOL Bangalore exec will be along, the whole shebang is company-paid. Booyah!

Oh, I keep meaning to mention the other meals here. The first dinner was on the top floor of the Leela, a high-class French restaurant. Several courses, all very high in presentation, yet small portions. The only low point was the sorbet which left just an awful aftertaste...

And last night's dinner was Asian, great seafood, great ambiance. Well, I won't go into any more details since Nathaniel's blog talks about the meals. I gotta run for now, stay tuned for more...

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