
Our Failure as a Country

As I read this article, entitled "Every day diplomacy," I was simply at a loss for words. I'm still struggling to bring my emotions into a coherent form other than anger, outrage, disappointment... sadness that we are screwing this country up so beyond repair that my children, my nieces and nephews, will either live under a dictatorial police state reminiscent of either the Gestapo or the KGB, or they will have to undergo a bloody revolution to overthrow said government.

What the bloody hell is so illegal about taking a picture?

Some things really struck me: The uncaring and abrasive attitude of the conductor; same for the police; and yet the outrage of the fellow passengers who actually stepped up to try and help this visiting gentleman. Yet, as one commenter asked, "...I wonder what would have happened if all of the passengers had refused to let the police take the man off the train..."?

Welcome to the Brave New World as handed to us by dear George W. Beware the Terrorists. Fear the lurking danger. Terror. TERROR. Good God, you can't read anything news-related or browse a news outlet site without coming across the word. Spread the fear, the uncertainty, because it will make us a stronger nation, right?

If we had these same restrictions in place, with a nation fearful of its own shadow, does anyone really think the tragedy of 9/11 would have been prevented?

Elections coming up. How will you vote? Keep the status quo, or tell the government that we will not surrender our liberties for such a vaporous promise of security?

Or will it even matter? Would either party actually institute change? Does anyone connected with the government actually listen to what the people want anymore, or just assume they know what's best for the people?

"...Same as it ever was..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. That's probably one of the most disturbing things I've ever read. I hate where the nation is headed.