
Developing the Habit of Blogging

So it would seem my usual trend of blogging is to report on a news bit or repost another person's blog, sometimes with an attached comment or opinion on my part. Not terribly insightful. Sometimes I still fall into the trap of thinking my opinions aren't really worth much to others, and certainly my blog doesn't have the high viewership of, say, Zen Habits or Felicia Day, so does it really matter what I post? Existentially, why am I even bothering with this?

I read an interesting post today, made by Leo Babauta who writes on Zen Habits. Anyways, the article, 8 Rules to Develop the Habit of Blogging, made me think some about why I write here. Do I really want extended viewership? Do I want to lay a framework to make money off of blogging? Or as I read somewhere (darned if I can recall the source), do i just want to keep a positive flow of information attached to me online? (Ever try Googling yourself? It's easier for me as I've used the same handle since the internet was in its infancy...)

Looking back at my posting rate, I seem to be at least keeping to (mostly) a weekly schedule; meaning I will get at least one post per week, averaging about 5 or so. The one failure is keeping to a Pic of the Week schedule; I think instead of running this on Fridays (when I'm in the midst of hectic installations) I will be doing them on Thursdays in the morning, while I'm still waiting on my builds to be delivered. Sound like a plan?

For the rest of Leo's article, I'm going to digest it a bit and see what I think of it. I like the idea of reading more blogs for inspiration, yet I don't always have the time to do so... The trick is coming up with some original thoughts on opinions, by themselves or in response to another blog/news bit. And I still need to decide on the path I am following here.

In closing, for a random bit of coding trivia, see if you can decipher this:
$DO || ! $DO ; try
try: command not found

Got it yet?


Codex said...

Hey! I found your link back :) I would suggest carrying a notebook around with you during the day and jot down things you think or observe. That way you will definitely get a lot of unique subjects for blog posts and define your voice! "Trying" to come up with posts is death, believe me, I know.
Good luck!

dongyrn said...

Sweet, thanks for the comment Felicia - and that's an excellent idea, don't know why I never thought of that... I often have memory like a steel sieve, I see things all the time that grab my interest but by the time I've gotten to a computer I've forgotten all about them...