
Swords Ban in Scotland

This is just wrong on so many cultural and historical levels...
A crackdown on the sale of swords has been launched as part of a campaign to tackle knife crime and violence...

"Knife-carrying is all too prevalent in some communities, particularly in the west of Scotland, and has cut short and scarred too many young lives... People must realise that swords cause horrific injuries when they get into the wrong hands. We routinely see incidents involving swords, which result in appalling injuries."
Something wrong with peoples heads if they start outlawing the swords again in the highlands... next they'll be outlawing the kilts again, and then they'll be having a revolution... again... OK so maybe it wouldn't go that far, but c'mon people, banning SWORDS?? I know they've gone a little nutty in the UK with all the draconian police state emulation, but does no-one over there recall the perils of repeating history?

As a sword collector proud of his Scottish heritage, I have but one thing to say...
And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR CLAAAYMOOORES!
Well at least I live in a nation that recognizes and protects my right to bear arms... oh wait...

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