
Sad News Tonight

Talked to my Mom tonight on my cell phone, while at my in-laws house. My Grandma Krail died today. Since she was 85 she was too old to get the anti-clotting medication after her hip replacement surgery, and she died in her sleep from a clot.

My Aunt was in the hospital for some sort of emergency surgery of her own and when she woke up still drugged, my Uncle told her. She called my mom right away but still too out of it to know what was going on. The thing is, my Grandpa doesn't even know yet. My mom will call back when my Aunt is eating dinner, hopefully can get more out of her.

She can't fly out there either, with her knees. But apparently my Grandma will be cremated anyway.

I don't know how long my Grandpa will last now, they've always been very dependent on each other, and I know it's been hard since they were moved into a nursing home.

Last time I saw them was when I travelled out to California, they still lived in San Francisco just as they had all my life. That was three years ago this November. But I still remember them, so full of life, when I was younger.

But right now I'm just feeling old. And mortal. And more than a little depressed.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sorry to hear about your loss.