
The Clueless Newbie Rides Again

Sweet Ubuntu props from Slashdot again, posted Wednesday:
Anyone remember The Clueless Newbie's Linux Odyssey? As it happens, she's come back to have a go at Ubuntu Feisty. 'Four years ago I tried about a dozen Linux distributions, to see if they were ready for an ordinary user to install as an escape from the Windows world. None of the distros performed well enough for me to recommend them to a non-geek unless they were going to hire someone to install it. After hearing Dell's recent announcement that it will sell computers with pre-installed Ubuntu Linux, I decided to see if Ubuntu was user-friendly.'
Spoiler: Yeah she likes it. No surprise there, Ubuntu is the first Linux distro I've come across that simply works correctly right after installation - and what doesn't work exactly as needed (as the writer discerned) can be easily fixed with little in-depth knowledge, simply by browsing the Ubuntu help forums.

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