
Planes, Cats and Automobiles

...plus other modes of transportation...

So both of my kids now, primarily my youngest, have gotten it into their heads to be terrified at the prospect of flying down to Disney this coming Friday. My youngest has used it as an excuse for awhile now not to go to sleep on time, but now the date looms closer and they're both more than a little nervous. Does no good explaining what all is entailed in flight itself, nor does it help to talk about past flights people have taken. I've talked to them (heck I just flew halfway around the world!), my Mom talked to them (and she was a stewardess at one time), nothing has helped. Need to find one of those books like "Brother Bear Goes to the Dentist" or something, but for airplane rides... hmm, that's actually a good idea, just popped right into my head, guess it helps to talk these things out...

Another headache has been our poor old cat Athos. We got him when we got married, so he's going on eleven and a half years old now. Still very energetic and healthy as an ox, at least until recently. Been having trouble keeping stuff down, and not much appetite. Taken him to the doctor's twice, xrays and medicine (and a cramp in our wallets) but can't seem to find out what's wrong with him. Going to be tough, we're going out of town so we won't be there to make sure he's doing ok. But, the last time we took him on Saturday he got a shot of antibiotics and some uppers, plus got his system flushed out. None too happy with us, but he seems a lot perkier and is eating again. This is the last of our original family, before we had kids, and though I know his time will come eventually, it will just kill me when he passes away.

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On a final note... I am really diggin' my car. I mean, I've never been one to drool over cars, or treat it like a baby, or even understand how some guys can get together and jut talk about... cars. Now however, I can boast with the best of 'em. I love my Prius. Not just the fact that it's a hybrid and gets awesome gas mileage. Not just because the insides look like something out of the future. Not just because I can boot my car up without using a key. Not just because of the spankin' audio system, or the comfy seats, or the climate control, or the cute little fact that the radio will now pick up extra signals from radio stations that broadcast their id and song title now playing. It's all that, plus it is SOOOO FREAKING COOL!

'Nuff said. For now anyways.

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