
Google unveils Gmail

Looks like Google is really trying to push the envelope by offering 1 GB free storage for e-mail users via a service called Gmail, still in the testing phase, so that users never need to change their e-mail address. In addition, they want to offer their searching capabilities so that users can search through their entire set of e-mail.

According to their web site, Gmail currently supports the following browsers:

  • Microsoft IE 5.5 and newer (Windows)
  • Netscape 7.1 and newer (Windows, Macintosh, Linux)
  • Mozilla 1.4 and newer (Windows, Macintosh, Linux)
  • Mozilla Firefox 0.8 and newer (Windows, Macintosh, Linux)
Regardless of the browser used, you must have JavaScript and cookies enabled.
This story has been covered just about all over the place, but here are links to relevant details on Ars Technica and Slashdot. More forthcoming info available on Google's own Gmail site.

Looks like I'll be moving off of Netscape mail...