
Slashdot on Vista

Just a pair of interesting Vista articles I found on Slashdot, as I wrap up the news before I go on vacation.
Hardocp.com has published "30 days with Vista" — with the same author from "30 days with Linux" doing the evaluation. And he doesn't like it. From the article: 'Based on my personal experiences with Vista over a 30 day period, I found it to be a dangerously unstable operating system, which has caused me to lose data [...] Any consideration of the fine details comes in second to that one inescapable conclusion. This is an unstable operating system.'
And the bad news for Microsoft continues to mount, as a new survey finds that few intend to migrate to Vista.
A recent Harris Poll has found that while most online computers users are aware of Microsoft's Windows Vista, few are intending to switch over to the new operating system anytime soon. The Harris Poll of 2223 US online adults in early March found that 87% were aware of Vista. Unfortunately for Microsoft, only 12% of Vista-aware respondents were intending to upgrade to Vista in the next 12 months.
I think I'll stick with my home-brew machines for now. Unless I get a laptop sometime in the near future. Then again, those new MacBook Pros look pretty sweet...

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