This is an excellent, thought-provoking article from Gamers With Jobs. Rather than join the parents-are-to-blame or the games-are-to-blame camps concerning school-age violence, momgamer (I adore her writing, she is one eloquent lady) shows us the middle path:
At the end of the day, all we can say is that we've tried our best to raise them well.
Who is to blame for what happens when kids do bad things? When something awful happens everyone trots out his or her pet theory. The usual videogames- media- comics- weather- whatever- are- to- blame crowd chimes right in. And on the other side a lot of people throw the whole issue over the wall and blame parents when it comes to violent behavior. Since it's the parents' job to monitor their kids, if something goes wrong it must be the parent's fault. This is particularly popular in the game industry, but it's not exclusive to it...Definitely a worthy read. I wish an article like this would gain mainstream press. However, I now have the inescapable urge to lock my children up and keep them this way forever.
I don't buy any of it. I submit that people who reflexively blame parents for troubled kid's actions are just as at fault as those who reflexively blame video games. And none of the blaming does any of us a damned bit of good.
At the end of the day, all we can say is that we've tried our best to raise them well.
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