Ugh, I feel like the undead. My head is stuffy, my eyes burn, I know some of it is just exhaustion. First day back in the office, and I've been swamped with stuff to catch up on. My wife and youngest are home sick with some bug, I think I may have gotten that was well. I wasn't stuffy at all while in India - so maybe instead it's just my allergies kicking in. Any way, I feel like crap.
Maybe I'll go home early. Or, since I seem to actually have some readership, maybe I'll take advantage of my fuzziness and write something barely coherent.
That is, if I could find something even marginally intelligent to write about.
Aw, hell, this sucks. I giving it 15 more minutes, and then I'm blowing this joint. Not that I don't have a ton of stuff to do still (including the frigging expense reports from the trip so I can get reimbursed in a somewhat timely fashion, though that's all relative) but it will wait till next week. Only saving grace is that the Bangalore folk are on holiday all next week. I will have some breathing space to catch up. Just as soon as I get through these server lease replacements that need action on them by the 1st...
Bah. It'll wait. I can have the weekend to rest up. Saturday I'm supposed to help Kimmer move tho, almost forgot about that... and just when my body might have an inkling of what time zone it's in, daylight savings time hits Sunday... ugh...
And now, for something completely random.
EDIT: Almost forgot, I meant to mention this before. Found out last night that my grandfather passed away on Oct. 17th, the day I left for India. I'm not upset at all about not finding out til I got back, I understand perfectly the reasoning behind that. And I'm not as shocked as when my grandmother passed away over the summer - that was unexpected, but I didn't figure my grandpa would outlast my grandma by much. He was pretty much gone anyway from what I understand, the Parkinson's really had a hold on him, but I'm pretty sure he knew what was going on and that his wife was gone. So, they're now together again, and in a better place. And I have many good memories of them. In a way, I'm almost grateful I wasn't able to see them recently, as I don't have the memory of their deterioration, but of their full and active life. I'll never forget my grandpa's woodworking, I have some of his stuff at home, and he gave me his chiselling tools when he couldn't use them anymore. It's gotta be hardest on my mom, though, to have lost both of her parents within the span of two and a half months.
Maybe I'll go home early. Or, since I seem to actually have some readership, maybe I'll take advantage of my fuzziness and write something barely coherent.
That is, if I could find something even marginally intelligent to write about.
Aw, hell, this sucks. I giving it 15 more minutes, and then I'm blowing this joint. Not that I don't have a ton of stuff to do still (including the frigging expense reports from the trip so I can get reimbursed in a somewhat timely fashion, though that's all relative) but it will wait till next week. Only saving grace is that the Bangalore folk are on holiday all next week. I will have some breathing space to catch up. Just as soon as I get through these server lease replacements that need action on them by the 1st...
Bah. It'll wait. I can have the weekend to rest up. Saturday I'm supposed to help Kimmer move tho, almost forgot about that... and just when my body might have an inkling of what time zone it's in, daylight savings time hits Sunday... ugh...
And now, for something completely random.
There is still a difference between something and nothing, but it is purely geometrical and there is nothing behind the geometry.
- Martin Gardner
EDIT: Almost forgot, I meant to mention this before. Found out last night that my grandfather passed away on Oct. 17th, the day I left for India. I'm not upset at all about not finding out til I got back, I understand perfectly the reasoning behind that. And I'm not as shocked as when my grandmother passed away over the summer - that was unexpected, but I didn't figure my grandpa would outlast my grandma by much. He was pretty much gone anyway from what I understand, the Parkinson's really had a hold on him, but I'm pretty sure he knew what was going on and that his wife was gone. So, they're now together again, and in a better place. And I have many good memories of them. In a way, I'm almost grateful I wasn't able to see them recently, as I don't have the memory of their deterioration, but of their full and active life. I'll never forget my grandpa's woodworking, I have some of his stuff at home, and he gave me his chiselling tools when he couldn't use them anymore. It's gotta be hardest on my mom, though, to have lost both of her parents within the span of two and a half months.
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