
Gah, what a frustrating week...

So all week now I've been working (unsuccessfully) on the same project, trying to reimage these two particular servers. It's just not going well. I've got all the procedures, the scripts to transfer the backups, I know all the files that need edited to make it all mesh together... but it just won't work. I've lost count of the times I've started over to reinstall on the same box. I might be on number eight or nine. And it's not looking good this time either - I mean, having a server with broken processes is fine, I can fix things, but the bloody thing won't even boot all the way properly, and then when I get a login prompt - nada. I type the root user and password, it hangs for a sec and then returns me to the login again. Grr. And I can't get into it remotely which makes me inclined to think I missed something with the networking somehow...

I'm about ready to thrwo in the towel and broadcast a request for help to those more knowledgable peers of mine. I was hoping, after having taken a break yesterday to "work from home" (hmm, yet my Xfire shows quite a few hours logged into my new Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II game, curious...) due to the snow storm, I'd be ready to tackle this with fresh energy. Nope. It's just pissing me off more.

Well, let me go back into the server room and see if it's booted all the way yet.

I don't think I've been in my actual office since Monday. (I'm at the NOAA buildings right now. Nice not having anyone looking over my shoulder tho...)

Anyways, y'all have a nice holiday weekend. Go do something for the community on Monday, keep the dream alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( I'm sorry...
Good luck with fixing it..
I would say I'll send my techie friends your way but I doubt there's much they know that you don't.
