
US Senate Fails To Reinstate Habeas Corpus

Welcome to the police state. Give Half-Life 2 a try, you can see where we're headed. All we're missing is the alien Combine invasion to complete the picture.

Story noted on Slashdot from 9/20, and yet I bet not picked up on by most "regular" news outlets.
Khyber notes that yesterday a vote in the US Senate fell four votes short of what was needed to restore habeas corpus — the fundamental right of individauls to challenge government detention. Here is the record of the vote on the Cloture Motion to restore Habeas Corpus. Article 4 of the US Constitution states that habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless in cases of rebellion and invasion when the public safety may require it.
I don't have the time to run through the vote record, but it would be interesting to see how the presidential candidates voted on this.

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