
The Man in the Hat Returns

Lucas, Ford to Start Filming New Indiana Jones Film 2007.01.02 11:36

George Lucas has announced that the script for the long-rumored fourth Indiana Jones film has been finalized and is to begin filming this year, with Harrison Ford once again in front of the camera. From the article:
In a statement, the 64-year-old Ford said he was ready for another turn as the globe-trotting archaeologist. "I'm delighted to be back in business with my old friends," he said. "I don't know if the pants still fit, but I know the hat will."
Woohoo! I know the question was raised, can Indy still be relevant (as the first three were made in the 80's) but come on, they were set in early WWII era anyways. I think the whole good-vs-evil theme is more relevant now than ever. I'm curious as to what storyline they'll follow, would they try to tie in to contemporary themes such as terrorism or can we just expect a good old fashioned, pistol-and-whip slingin' time...

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