
Solar Energy Kit Gives Prius 10% Better Mileage

Now this is very cool. Solatec LLC has released a stick-on solar panel kit that charges your hybrid while parked.
Solatec LLC's new photovoltaic kit for the 2004-2006 Toyota Prius contains two flexible, conformal rooftop-mounted solar panels that charge the hybrid automobile's auxiliary battery through a proprietary charger/current-limiter system concealed behind interior trim panels. The self-adhesive panels are 0.6mm thick, avoiding aerodynamic drag. With Solatec panels installed on the roof, the prototype SolaPrius(R) averages 55 mpg city and 62 mpg highway -- said to be a 10 percent improvement; all-season testing is in progress. The kit costs $2,195 -- and will be available nationwide through dealer franchises. It uses the same technology as the company's aircraft grade adhesive for solar aircraft research, high-efficiency photovoltaic panels that sustain aircraft in flight.
I can see where the savings come in, as I get the worst mpg when accellerating from a dead stop when my battery level is too low to run without the engine at low speeds. Just this morning, I was in slow traffic for so long (3-8mph) that my battery level dropped below 25%, and the engine kept kicking in, dropping my efficiency down to 8mpg.

In other related news, the world's largest photovoltaic system will be built, not on the roofs of Priuses, but on the ground of Nevada, and will provide clean energy for the US military.

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