
A Gaming Post

Yup, here we go, a post on nothing but gaming. Heh.

So anyways, we finally got going on the idea of a gaming clan. 'We' meaning my friends from the LAN parties, mostly co-workers from the lovely NEGT morass plus some others they knew (neighbors, significant others and the like). I think at peak we had something close to a dozen of us. SO, now that we don't work at the same place anymore, Matt moved up to PA, Mike and Veronica moved back to TX, the notion was raised once again to try and bring us all together as a clan. Just to make communication and recognition easier.

Well, lo and behold, comes the dawning of a new age. The GunRunner Clan is up and running. Even got a spiffy forum thanks to Kenny. I've been running around BF2 and CS:S with my little [GrC] tag now. W00t.

Last night a bunch or us got on a BF2:SF server, using Xfire voice chat. Nice idea, but from my end the quality was piss-poor. Though I did like the idea of not having to use push-to-talk, I think we need to work on a TeamSpeak server, especially before the next LAN party in March so those of us in disparate regions can still game with us...

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