
In Memoriam: Athos

So I get up this morning to do a 4am install, turn on the lights to the basement and see Athos lying there. He's sprawled on his side, so undignified for a cat who was always the epitome of dignity. Not moving, his fluffy grey-and-white fur just lies there.

I feel stupid for getting so upset. He was an old cat, almost 12 years, and he'd been having trouble for awhile. Spent a good deal of money at the vet with xrays and medicines to see why he wasn't eating and when he did, couldn't keep anything down. We had flushed his system out and everything seemed to be ok. I actually just wrote out a tag on a Christmas present last night, to Mommy from Athos, Olivia and Salem (the cats). And thinking how nice it was he was still with us. And then I walked down the stairs this morning.

We got Athos as a kitten, the summer we were married. He was like our first child, when we weren't intending to have actual children of our own just yet. Over time we had many more cats, five at one time, but when we moved back up to Maryland from Virginia Beach we knew we could only keep two (the usual limit for renting), so we kept Athos and Uther. Uther (Pookie) passed away last Christmas when his kidneys failed. We had to take him to the vet, he was in so much pain, and they had to put him to sleep. That was hard saying goodbye, but I knew he wouldn't be in pain anymore. He was a few months younger than Athos though.

I remember Athos as a kitten, the definition of trouble. Got into everything, always up on the counter. Closed him in the fridge once - he must have snuck in behind my back when it was open. When I next opened it there he was, face down in the cheesecake on the bottom shelf and having the time of his life.

I recall another time, I was eating ice cream in front of the television. Had my bowl on a stool in front of me. Athos was just off to the side, when suddenly with a leap worthy of a tiger pouncing on his prey, he dove into my ice cream bowl. I had to drag him out, smacking his nose and scolding severely, but he didn't care - he was too busy contentedly licking his paws off.

Athos was the strongest cat I've ever known. I mean, to clip his nails I had to literally lay on top of him, and then it was even money whether or not he'd push me off. I think I still have scars from the unfortunate time we had to give the cats a flea dip bath.

He definitely had his own personality. Very aloof, and unforgiving at times, but he was also lovable and comforting, always knowing when a good fluff would cheer one of us right up.

He was my first cat. My first baby, and the only one left from when we got married. He always seemed like he'd live forever, too stubborn by far to go away. But, all things end, all things pass. And so now he's gone.

This has helped alot to erase the shock of seeing him like that this morning, with the warm memories of how he was. So, if you actually bothered to read this far, thanks for sharing. I'm at work right now, but I'm hoping to take off early so I can go home and fluff two cats. I have the feeling they could use it as much as I do.

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