OK, so for those of inclined to be bitter, this has got to be the best article lead-in for yesterdays' results (kuro5hin.org):
Former alcoholic and functional illiterate George W. Bush has won re-election and will retain his office as 43th President of the United States of America, despite a proven inability to pronounce the word "nuclear".The editorial as a whole is a good and entertaining read. Oh hell, it's not that long I'll just reprint the best parts.
George Bush ran with Dick Cheney, soulless oil-fired robot and current Vice President of the United States. Mr. Cheney's main qualifications include playing thermonuclear chicken with the USSR and inadvertently fathering a very confused lesbian.The comments, though, are interesting in themselves, especially this gem right at the top typifying (IMHO) the worldwide reaction to the election results [edited for spelling]:
The pair beat out Sen. John F. Kerry and his runningmate Sen. John Edwards through fear-mongering and the time-honored tradition of banking on American stupidity.
They presented a plan throughout three Presidential Debates and one Vice-Presidential Debate to build an America that is dominated by fear, owned by corporations, and loathed worldwide.
They believe the U.S. can have a stronger economy through the technique of giving the idle rich all the money, a health care plan based on the idea of not caring for anyone's health, an energy plan co-authored by the House of Saud, and a strong presence as the world's resented playground bully.
I used to have sympathy for the American people, even whilst disagreeing with the policies of their government.
Now I have to face up to the sad reality that over fifty percent of Americans are superstitious, uneducated simpletons who have bought into a fantasy of fear fostered upon them by a government which realized that the only way to hold an electorate who believes in nothing, is by selling them the idea of a new boogey man.
You'd have thought the Cold War, with its over-hyped vision of the Russian Imperialist Threat (in reality a collapsing, ineffective political and economic system) would have rung some bells. But no... I guess people somehow enjoy being scared shitless.
I hope the other democracies in the world grow a spine and show the US that this globe is not theirs alone. If Bush wants 40bn more for the Iraq effort, he should be told to get it from its own people. You made your bed, now lie in it - filthy though it may be.
Just the thing I needed to uplift my day. I don't feel so alone anymore. LOL
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