So what's my speed? Did a speedtest through BroadbandReports at Speakeasy, tested at around 760/120 which would possibly indicate a 768/128 connection. Supposedly I should be able to upgrade to 1.5/384 if the CO has the cards needed. I need to speed-test again at night to get a good reading.
According to the site, my CO FLWTWVFW (Falling Waters) is BELL ATLANTIC - WEST VIRGINIA, INC Telco. And according to Mapquest they're just on the other side of 81 from me. Verizon will accept orders for ADSL up to 1500ft, so must be within that.
UPDATE: Done 5/27/2004 from FozzieBear
Speakeasy 2004-05-27 20:04:17 EST: 356 / 132
That's pitiful. I'm hoping it was the time of day and the fact that Fozziebear is across two switches from the router. (Have to make the network topography more efficient...)
UPDATE: From FozzieBear again, after fixing an issue with the switch (didn't have uplink on).
Speakeasy 2004-05-30 17:30:08 EST: 328 / 130
Even more pitiful, but at least consistent. Have to try again from both Beaker (plugged directly into the Linksys) and FozzieBear (25' Cat5e to switch, then 10' to hub before even get to the box) at the same time and compare, to track down where the bottleneck is. Speed is decent for normal web browsing at least. Just not what I'm expecting...
UPDATE: Got my wireless card and tested from Neuromancer, my work laptop.
Megapath 2004-06-02 20:40:46 EST: 661 / 130